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Helen Callanan - Preparing the Way End of Life Doula Training and Services

Sunbury, VIC, 3429


ALL People having choice at end of life and empowered in fulfilling those choices and ALL people having access to doula support

Helen Callanan is both a practicing End of Life Doula and the owner and educator of Preparing the Way which presents the End of Life Doula Training in collaboration with the Natural Grace Holistic Funerals.

Initially training and practicing in Traditional Chinese Medicine & body work along with almost 30 years direct experience working and being with people who are very ill and the dying in both public and private palliative/hospice situations provides Helen with a wealth of practical experience.

This includes over 30 years as a professional Reiki II practitioner and 20 years teaching Reiki ~ all providing Helen with insight into health and healing, including end-of-life, mental/emotional and spiritual development.

In addition, for several years during that time Helen was working with a global personal development organisation as a leader, coach and manager which has fueled Helen’s passion for education and making a difference in the world.

Helen has also been studing with a Meditation Master teacher for many years and regularly goes to an Ashram in America to deepen her studies and volunteer at a private not-for-profit Animal Rescue Sanctuary inside her passionate commitment to animal welfare and conservation.

Whilst being raised in the bush in the Riverina in NSW, Helen is now living in Sunbury north of Melbourne with her dear sister Sue and Ellie the love-pup who rescued them! Helen loves to cook, entertain and be with her friends as much as she can and is so grateful to live such a rich, happy and fulfilling life!

Helen shares many stories of direct experiences she has had in her cherished role as an End of Life Doula. Through those stories and the sharing of deep personal experience, growth and reflection, along with research on best practice, Helen delivers both profoundly insightful and practical training.
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Training / Qualifications:
After Death & Funeral Planning 1 day Workshop (Natural Grace)
Digging Deeper After Death 5 day Intensive (Natural Grace)
Spiritual Palliative Care Friend of the Dying Training (Sharon Tregoning)
Death Doula (Denise Love)
Advanced Death Doula training (Denise Love)
If you selected "other" under Training / Qualifications please enter details here:
Bachelor of Chinese Medicine, Reiki Master, Cert IV in Training & Assessment
