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Funeral Anarchist - changing the face of funerals for the greater good.

 Independant Funeral Celebrant/Planner & Qualified Death Walker

Everyone deserves a funeral that represents them to a tee and I'm passionate about NOT putting everyone in the same box (excuse the pun ). As a creative, a writer and performer I will work with you to create the perfect narrative/production -  a funeral that represents you or your person. I don't look like your standard funeral celebrant and my ceremony will definitely NOT look like a standard ceremony, however it will respectful and fully reflect the dead. I'm also a Death Walker (like a death doula but it sounds much cooler). I can be as much apart of the death/dying process as you wish. Importantly I'm part of the rebellion to make funerals a better experience for everyone and I will arm you with all the relevant choices you have when planning a funeral as I'm keen to shake up the death industry and see it done better.

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Training / Qualifications:
Deathwalker (Natural Death Care Centre)
If you selected "other" under Training / Qualifications please enter details here:
Experienced Marriage Celebrant (Diploma of celebrancy, Internatinal College of Celebrancy)