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Courtney is a bioethicist and researcher with extensive experience across the health sector. She has particular interest in the regulation of dying and death, and is currently undertaking a PhD examining the ethics and politics of law reform regarding assisted death in Victoria.

In addition, Courtney teaches bioethics into the medicine and surgery program at Monash University, and also into undergraduate bioethics through the Monash Bioethics Centre. She holds research appointments with Monash University’s Department of Psychiatry and Cabrini Health’s Szalmuk Family Psycho-oncology Unit, where she contributes to collaborative research across psycho-oncology and palliative care. Courtney is also the coordinator for Emerging Researchers in Ageing (ERA), a higher education initiative that provides support to students undertaking higher degrees by research across the field of ageing in Australia.

Courtney likes long walks in the forest and plans for a natural death.